Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lord of the Rings

I finally have it in my possession. "The Lord of the Ring". This is one of those books/series that have been on my must-read list for some time. Ever since I stumbled upon a heated argument online about whether Dumbledore or Gandalf was more awesome, I knew that I would have to read these books (by the way, no one can beat Dumbledore. No one). And then large group had this as a theme, and I knew it was time to bite the bullet. So I ordered them from Amazon and they finally arrived today. Now I'm scared.

I know next to nothing about this series, but I've been told it can be tedious. Apparently J.R.R. Tolkien can spend five pages describing a leaf. Frightening. But no matter how dull it gets I will read this series all the way through. I plan on blogging it, maybe not chapter by chapter, but whenever I've got something pointless to say about them or if I want to complain about the plot, I'll write something.

I've never seen any of the movies, and this is one of the few series where I have no clue how it ends. Which is exciting, I don't remember the last time I read something with out spoilers.
This is what I know off the top of my head:
  • Someone is named Frodo. I think he's a hobbit, whatever that is.
  • One cannot simply walk into Morder.
  • Gandalf dies and comes back to life. I think he's a demi god or an angel. And he says "Thou shall not pass!"
  • Gollum is a creepy little thing.
Something I just noticed. It's called "The Lord of the RingS". Plural. I always thought "Ring", singular. I'm clueless.

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